Helen Joubert - Director of Customer Experience and Business Mentor
I mostly sell one appointment at a time
I mostly sell my lower programme – then over-deliver, which lowers my hourly rate
I feel I’m not worth my fee level
I feel uncomfortable quoting my top programme price
I feel uneasy talking about my fees, like I’m money-grabbing
I often feel like an impostor or not good enough
I don’t even suggest my top programme on a discovery call
Does this sound familiar? As Nutritional Professionals we love what we do. Unfortunately, that passion can sometimes mean we over-deliver or under-charge our clients. Talking about money doesn’t come naturally to many of us and that can hold us back in business.
Do you feel uncomfortable quoting your top programme price in discovery calls, and as a result only sell your lower-priced programme? Or find yourself selling one-off appointments then spending too much time prepping for them? If so, then take a look at these top tips for improving your money mindset. They will help to boost your confidence when talking about your prices, programmes and your value to clients.
Address your money mindset
Many of us have had feedback from a client who says they’d love to work with you, but the cost of the programme is preventing them from booking. But is it really money that’s the barrier, or is it the way we’re communicating our offering?

Do clients fully understand the value of your programme? Or are they simply prioritising things other than their health?
Take a close look at your what you offer, it needs to clearly:
Relate to your client’s problem
Match the language of your client
Strike the right balance – neither too expensive nor too cheap
Provide evidence of the solution they’re looking for
Be delivered with confidence
If your proposal doesn’t clearly address the client's problems, in their language, and allow them to see a solution is possible, they won’t fully appreciate the benefit they will receive.
Do you truly value yourself?
An essential step in getting your money mindset right is to truly value yourself.
We’re all faced with a lack of confidence occasionally and can even talk ourselves out of success through negative self-talk. But rest assured it is something you can work on to improve. It is as important to work on your own mindset and self-value as your business plan!
If we value ourselves, our clients will value us and their programme, which means they achieve better results. If they pay more it shows they are committed and invested, which benefits them as well as your business. Cheaper does not equal better.
How can we value ourselves more?
It’s all very well to know that to attract new clients you need to value yourself more, but you may be wondering how to do this. Often the way we see ourselves comes from years of experiences and memories, and it can feel hard to change this. We recommend that you start by:
Feeling proud of who you are and what you’re doing
Focusing on your achievements and strengths. What challenges have you overcome
Reminding yourself every day of your achievements. Write a positive message on a post-it note each day and put it where you can see it, for example: Health is everything – we have nothing if we don’t have our health – my role is to help people get well. What better investment is there?
How can we cultivate positive conversations about money?
Again, start with who you are and your current money mindset. Taking a look at your achievements so far, and the steps you’ve taken to be the Nutrition Professional you are today is a great place to start.
Remind yourself of what you do and why – you have worked hard to get here!
Consider where else in life you are proud of yourself
Think about who you have helped already and what difference it has made to their lives
What is that worth?
Revisit and remind yourself of good testimonials from clients

What’s in the way of you earning what you want?
Why do some people seem to naturally attract money while others struggle? Is there a mindset difference between the two people?
We believe there are some common traits in people who ‘attract’ money and success. They:
Value themselves and their time
Focus on achievements
Feel confident in themselves as people and practitioners
Have a more positive internal dialogue
Are committed to the success of others – but not at their own expense!
Focus more on doing the best job (rather than fearing rejection) – but are not paralysed by perfection and never being good enough
Remember that by building your self worth, clients will start to really see the value in your offer.
Six steps to a positive money mindset
Despite knowing all this, hands up who still feels guilty or weird about money? Yep, we thought so!
Step 1:
Be clear about what you want – how much money do you want to earn? You will need to know your numbers for this – calculate the true number of hours spent on a client vs the programme fee.
Step 2:
Surround yourself with positive people and influencers, engage in inspiring dialogue with others either in the same field or with their own businesses, or find figureheads to follow online.
Step 3:
Don’t feel guilty about needing to earn money – most of us need to earn money after all, and clients know this too.
Step 4:
Prioritise self-care and reward yourself – it shows you value yourself and that you are worth it.

Step 5:
Be open to receive what you want and show gratitude for it before you receive it – gratitude in advance is one of the most powerful manifestation tools in the law of attraction.
The benefits of gratitude are feeling instantly happier, improved health, sleep and reduced stress. It opens the door to more abundance. The law of attraction works on the premise that ‘like attracts like’ – every time you focus on abundance rather than lack, you’re attracting more of what you really want.
Step 6:
With the law of attraction in mind, if you don’t have the income results you want, consider how you currently think about money. The message you’re putting out into the world is the key to getting what you want.
Think about the past and why you may be holding yourself back over money. Clear the path to have freedom and choice over money, including how much you want to – and will – earn.
If you’re not earning the money you want, there is often something in the way. If you need a bit of extra help, our coaches have a wealth of knowledge about cultivating the right mindset for business as well as how to run a thriving practice. So, if you’re struggling to get your practice to where you want it to be, or you're not sure how to get clients through the door, we’re here to help!
Book your 45 minute complimentary business strategy call with one of our experienced Business Mentors using this link: https://zestmentor.as.me/45mins