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A great nutrition business needs a great CEO

Writer's picture: Zest4life Home of NutritionZest4life Home of Nutrition

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

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Carolyn St John Loder – Zest4life Director


Once the initial dream of owning a business has been realised, how do people prepare for the responsibility of running it day to day? Of being their own CEO?

It has been shown many times that the most successful CEOs are often also dynamic leaders. By analysing, and recreating the common leadership qualities of the best CEOs, we can hope to enjoy greater success for ourselves and our nutrition businesses. We need to think, act and talk like a CEO.

How to think like a CEO

If you want to become a successful business owner, you need to think big. In reality this may mean pushing past real or imagined limitations, and a perceived ceiling on what you are capable of. Only by imagining and envisioning the full potential of your company can it come to fruition.

White mug with boss written in gold

It’s important to remember that this doesn’t have to be done alone. Surrounding ourselves with successful or inspirational people can often give the opportunity or momentum to step out of our comfort zones and accept new challenges.

Having a positive mental attitude at all times, regardless of whether enjoying success or facing setbacks, is another key attribute of great CEOs. A positive frame of mind can be felt by clients, social media followers, email subscribers etc. and will generate a positive response in return.

How to act like a CEO

This is where ‘walking the walk’ or ‘fake it till you make it’ comes into play. Even if you don’t feel like a CEO right now, by assuming the habits and attitudes of a leader – especially if you have employees within your nutrition business – it will develop over time.

As any parent will tell you, it is important to lead by example! By modelling the behaviour you wish to see in others, whether you are working alone or with colleagues, this will help to generate the positive, successful attitude that you desire in your business.

How to talk like a CEO

A well as thinking and acting like a CEO, talking like a CEO is vital. This includes the way you talk to clients and yourself. How often do you criticise an appointment that didn’t go as well as you’d hoped? Or wish that you’d said something differently?

Negative thoughts and self-talk can only create a negative, critical atmosphere. Instead, choose to focus on the positive, whether that’s in discussions with clients or your own internal dialogue. In turn this will generate more positivity and show your clients how to develop characteristics they need to be successful in their goals. Be someone who gets results and lead your clients from there.

Two women talking across white table

Finally, it is important to get ‘out there’ and communicate your vision and passion for your business to others. This attitude will soon start drawing people to you – after all, good leaders attract followers, and for us this means clients.

In summary

Whether you want to change the world or are looking for a part-time business to fit around family life and other commitments, it can only happen if you can think, act and talk like a CEO:

  • Think bigger than ever before

  • Cultivate a positive mental attitude – the ability to re-frame failures as ways to grow

  • Focus on your language: change results by starting with the language you use

  • Have a growth attitude, rather than a fixed mindset

  • Be a leader and an inspiration to your clients

  • Have a clear vision and act from there – communicate the big picture over and over to others

  • Walk your talk

If you're in need of more advice and support to start thinking, acting and talking like a CEO, our coaches are here to help!

Book your 45 minute complimentary business strategy call with one of our experienced Business Mentors using this link:


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